Medical Hypnosis
Bruce Lipton, author of The Biology of Belief
“Almost no condition is out of bounds when it comes to the effective use of hypnotherapy.”
Dr. Andrew Weil M.D.
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

Whorwell PJ; Prior A; Faragher EB. Controlled trial of hypnotherapy in the treatment of severe refractory irritable-bowel syndrome.The Lancet 1984, 2: 1232-4. From

“Depression is not due to a chemical imbalance, or genetic factors. Low serotonin levels are a result, not a cause, of depression. Despite the prevailing ideas for the last few decades, this is now known to be a fact. This misunderstanding is also the reason why drugs and some therapies for depression miss the point, and treat the symptoms instead of the causes.”
Mark Tyrrel, Uncommon Knowledge
Finally there is a common sense research based approach to dealing with depression. Breaking the cycle of depression by calming the over aroused brain and allowing quality rest, the underlying causes of stress can be identified and corrected with simple self help techniques. Looking at thinking style, level of activity, nutrition, sleep and problem solving skills.
Hypnosis can accomplish in weeks what other therapies often take years to accomplish.
Research Proves Medical Hypnosis Benefits
Hot Flashes in Postmenopausal Women

Clinical hypnosis can reduce hot flashes after menopause, Baylor study shows.
“Hypnotic relaxation therapy reduced hot flashes by as much as 80 percent, and the findings also showed participants experienced improved quality of life and a lessening of anxiety and depression.”
“The mind-body therapy study of 187 women over a five-week period measured both physical symptoms of hot flashes and women’s self-reporting of flashes. The women received weekly sessions of hypnosis by clinically trained therapists, and they also practiced self-hypnosis using audio recordings…”
“By the fourth session, hot flashes had decreased about 70 percent, and at a three-month follow-up, the decrease averaged 80 percent…”

90% of our thoughts come from our subconscious minds. No matter how much we consciously want to change them with our conscious mind we can’t.
In the trance state of hypnosis faulty patterns are rewritten as we “imagine ourselves enjoying eating healthier foods or being calm when our spouse is pushing our buttons or having a perfect golf swing.” Like installing new software to replace faulty programs on the computer.
One of the best ways to relax with any process is to do it repeatedly. The massive advantage of using hypnosis when you want to get comfortable with something is that you can do that something repeatedly and perfectly in your mind-so that it feels natural to you and as if you’ve already done it many times-before you do it for real. Allowing neuroplasticity to rewire our brains.