Don Ross, BA, CHt, Medical Hypnotherapist
I continue to study the teachings of people like Stephen W. Porges, Pete Walker, Ekhart Tolle, Bruce Lipton, Joe Dispenza, Gregg Braden and many others. I am currently enrolled in the course from Esalen, “Entheowheel: the Ceremony and Science of Psilocybin” I am very excited to follow the development of the use of mushrooms in healing. I want to understand the truth and or myths involved. I see some very strong similarity between hypnosis and psychedelics, they both allow for improved neuroplasticity, a loosening of the “default mode network” allowing for changes and improvements.
My wife Donna and I attended training to become PSYCH-K facilitators in Taos, NM July 2018 presented by the originator, Rob Williams! And even more exciting, for the first time in seven years Bruce Lipton Ph.D. joined him to present the training. It was amazing to have actual one on one time with Bruce Lipton whose teaching much of my Medical Hypnosis work is based on.
We also attended one of Dr. Joe Dispenza’s advanced workshops in Cabo, Mexico, in October 2016. We continue to be blown away by his knowledge. Epigenetics, neuroscience, quantum physics, psychoneuroendocrinology, and he can explain it on a level anyone can understand. I have incorporated many of his concepts into my work with clients.
A prospective client recently asked me “why did you get into hypnosis?” I told him that while I was working as an RN my Mother was diagnosed with terminal cancer. While caring for her I was exposed to Hospice and later became certified in Hospice and Palliative care. During the seven years I worked in Hospice I was continually searching for ways to improve the quality of life for the dying patient. I found there were many benefits for these patients from hypnosis. I have continued to study the advances in the use of hypnosis for medical, mental and spiritual well being.

Associates Degree in Nursing earned at Wisconsin Indianhead Technical College in 1988.
Healing Touch Practitioner Certification earned 2000 from Healing Touch International.
Hypnotherapist Certification earned from the New England Institute of Hypnotherapy in 2001.
National Certification in Hospice and Palliative Care earned in 2004.
Continuing study to use hypnosis to help people improve their wellness of body, mind and spirit.
Advanced Hypnosis training through:
“The Mad Russian” (Yefim Shubetnov) Who has worked with many celebrities including Billy Joel, Drew Barrymore, Courtney Cox Arquette, and Amy Tan.
Subliminal Science, courses taken include:
Advanced ICBCH Clinical Hypnosis Certification Training Home study, Quit Success Certified Tobacco cessation Specialist, and Hypnotic Pain Control.
Uncommon Knowledge LTD, Courses taken include:
Hypnosis Unwrapped, Precision Hypnosis, How to Lift Depression Quickly, Rewind Technique for PTSD and How to Help Anyone Quit Smoking.
For access to this training click here.
Studied Past Life Regression Techniques with Dick Sutphen in his course for Professional Hypnotist Training.
Here is the link to the hypnosis downloads I recommend and have used personally.
Don Ross at Happy Hypnosis is not a state licensed therapist of any kind. He does not diagnose or treat any disease, condition or disorder in any way. The goal of Happy Hypnosis is to teach individuals the use of self hypnosis and guided meditation. Your benefits may vary and will depend entirely on you and your efforts.
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